Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mat Rempit - Unofficial Stunt Drivers for motorcyle

Mat Rempits ... hah ... are they excellent drivers or just a menace on the roads? Well, can say that a little bit of both...

I guess in really haves a good description of them and the many things associated with them and their culture. Not that I have personally have anything against them, i feel that their skills and knowledge can be put to much better and productive use...

Imagine they are able to push the many budgets motors and kapchais that we have beyond their limitation and make them into 'super-bikes' ... weeee... 'super-man' on 'super-bikes' doing 'super stunts' ...

Well, the issues is it's harmless fun and hobby if you do these things among your small groups of friends and doesn't disturb anyone in the process. It's get really bad when you starts to groups in hundreds, revving up your engines in the middle of the night and start crashing into police roadblocks... it starts to get to be pain in the neck.

Recently these jokers starts to even go on robbing sprees, attacking innocent drivers, robbing people of their possessions and bashing up vehicles for no reasons. Guess it's time for authorities to come down on these type of 'extreme sports'. So, I guess they will be a menace to us... hopefully many wil grow out of this phase of life and with the experience and knowledge gained, will be able to produce more Protons, Peroduas, Kancils and stuff like that... hehehehe...

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Year Resolutions anybody ???

Have been making many new year resolutions year in year out. Have been making more promises than keeping it. Have been frustrating many by the inability to finish up what we started or doing it so poorly that we might not bother doing it at all in the first place. Have been trying to cook up many excuses just to justify our failures in keeping our resolutions... Does this sound very familiar ???

Is this a case of putting our feet in our mouth? Is this a case of jumping the gun? Is this a case of counting the chickens before they are hatched? As a summary, should we even bother to make resolutions in the first place...?

Suprisingly, the answer should be YES!!! It's always better to have a goal, aim at it and missed rather than not having a goal at all. It's like the saying if you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. So, it's always better to achieve 7 out of 10 goals rather than zero out of zero targets... now that's will be an interesting statistic...

So my top 10 goals for this year of 2007 are :
  1. To clear all my outstanding financial commitment on time ... money borrowed from people, credit cards, house rental, utilities bills, etc.

  2. To aim to spend more quality time with people around me, listening and talking to them.

  3. To develope myself in every aspect of my life - physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially as well including in my work and life serving in the church.

  4. Able to bless my parents with a nice holiday at the end of this year.

  5. Spend more time with my younger brother and getting to know his girlfriend.

  6. Learn up Linux, Unix and OSS software more.

  7. Learn up Windows Vista... of course :)

  8. Improve in my communication and presentation skills, to able to solve conflicts and learn to be tough when dealing with problem people.
  9. Improve in my relationship with God, desire to read His Word and spending time with Him and falling in love with Him more and more again.
  10. To train and teach others to learn up my skills and knowledgem so that they can do what I'm doing now and I can do what other people can't do.
So, since this is the beginning of the year, let's see where we will go at the end of the year.

Happy New Year 2007 everyone...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rude People

Rude people... what do you want to with them? Slap them, maim them, punch them, strangle them or just wish that you can just throw them into another planet or universe?

I've just received a call from my friend about her colleague who is practically rude to everyone in the office. In fact she's even rude to the managers and customers, even made one of them cried recently! So, what do you want to do with these type of people ???

The thing I don't like about these people that they think they are better than everybody else. That they deserve to treat other people worse than them. I've seen many of my friends destroyed years of friendship with rude words uttered in a space of a few minutes. I just can't stand those who think people are rubbish and deserved to be treated like dogs.. as one person I know used to say.

I wonder what satisfaction do they get from being rude to others? Can anyone please tell me what one can gain by uttering rubbish and obscenities? Is it the satisfaction of seeing somebody else cowering in fear in the barrage of your words? Is it the confidence gained to know that you are a tough nut when the other party crumbled into a sobbing piece of meat? Or is it just the mere sense of control and power when you just shoot your mouth off without thinking and everyone just kept silence just because they don't want to aggravate the situation?

It's just funny that as the methods and technology of communication are increasing, it's supposed to helps us to communicate better and be closer to one another. But the matter of fact is that things are goings the ways around by using technology to incite hate and problems via hate emails, fake and bogus SMSes and causing many people to spread around unneccassary panic by forwarding emails after emails of non-realistc events? Just out of topic a bit, how many of us do actually take the trouble to verify or confirm the information of our emails before we just forward them to others??? Most likely we don't :)

Well I guess there will always be rude people in the world... but there are plenty of nice ones around as well... now I'm off to search for one to lighten up my day...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Facing Failure

Failure is one of the most demoralising emotions that a man can ever faced. It zaps your energy and enthuasiasm, excitement for things around you and robs your hope and joy for the things yet to come. Yet many times, it's one of the most common feelings that a man will ever encounter in the daily lives.

I had this feeling again recently when I just came back from a project site. My company had won the bid for the first phase of the project site and recently we just lost out for the second phase of the project. When I popped in to have a look at our competitors' product and workmanship, I can't help but feel dissapointed and envy that why we didnt came up with those ideas and designs in the first place. On our way back, my colleague and I were both very quiet in the car - thinking over and over again about what we saw and what we deemed as a failure on our part to come out with a better solution.

Well, failure can come in many forms in our lives - whether big or small. Does this incidences sounds familiar ?
- When my friends seems to be able to get what they wanted so easily (e.g. handphones, cars, houses, material stuff) yet I'm still struggling to to even pay off all my debts
- When my friends gets good grades in their studies despite not studying hard. I get average results despite slogging hard, day and night and losing many hours of sleep.
- When we always seems to have a string of bad luck while others seems to strike it right time and time again in their businesses or careers.

I'm sure there are many more tings in life that causes us to be very dissapointed and cause us want to give up many times. But I always learn from John Maxwell in his excellent book "Failing Forward" that if we want to fail, always make sure we learn from the failure and improve it from the next time. I always reminded myself that Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times before he invented his first light bulb. I also take heart from the fact that many successful business men and women who dropped out of high schools but they never give up in life.

So, I guess when faced with these types of circumstances, we always gotta remind ourselves to never, never, never give up and just continue to move forward. Well, life goes on and our hearts will go on .... let's continue to fail forward ...
This is THE PLACE where you are allowed to complain, grumble, talk, rant or gripe to your heart's content. You are ALLOWED to writeand share what's in your heart - your sorrows, hurts, problems when you have no where else to turn to, your thoughts about certain issues in life or even daily common thing under the sun.

However, languages that are deemed not suitable, vulgar, obscene or destructive in nature will be not be tolerated. So, what are you waiting for?

Go ahead... say all you want ...